PROFESSOR F. N. NDUBUISI is the Vice Chancellor of Christopher University, Lagos.
Professor Friday Nwankwo Ndubuisi was born to the family of Ndubuisi Anasonye of Umueze Amamba Uzuakloi in Abia State Nigeria. He is the third in a nucleus family of five children. He grew up as a vibrant and highly cerebral child showing interest in a lot of issues that have to do with challenges and heroism . For his primary school education, he attended Methodist practising school Uzuakoli , a demonstration school, set up by the early missionary to prepare pupils for post primary education. He was done with that in 1971 and proceeded to Methodist college Uzuakoli, a top rated school established by the missionary in 1924. He finished from Methodist College Uzuakoli in 1976 in flying colour . For his ‘A'level he enrolled with a private tutorial college in Aba , Abia state in 1977 and passed his 'A' level papers in the same year.
Armed with the requisite qualification he applied for Admission to the University of Lagos , where his quest succeeded in 1980. The movement to the University of Lagos was to be a great and interesting one, with his admission into Philosophy Department which was his first choice .In 1980 the issue of career was not uppermost in his mind . His enthusiasm was in being in an academic environment where his dreams were emerging gradually and steadily . University of Lagos then presented a great environment, as he met most of his old friends, especially those from his Alma mata, Methodist College Uzuakoli.In all his life he has always appreciated the challenges of being a man , a noble one at that .There are a number of vocations and professions he admires and wished he could have the fortune of being part of .For instance he has always admired academic life , cherished the greatness associated with writing and intellectualism , he also admire men of the wigs and bar that see themselves as learned and others educated. He was thus working silently with a view that one day his view will be sought for in critical national and international issues .Thus in his students days one of the few clubs he joined was press clubs. He was a member of the defunct revolutionary press , the publisher of eyes magazine(university of Lagos students' interest magazine) , he was in the editorial board of the 'Searchlight' a journal of the students of philosophy department .He was a co-founder and research editor of defunct 'Pragmatist' a student magazine rated as the best quality magazine in the university campus then. The campus environment was quite exciting and stimulating . It was the era students were anxious to listen to great lectures , seminars and symposia given by renowned scholars and intellectuals and political leaders from varied walks of life .He participated lightly in students' politics as he was elected the public relation officer of Imo State students in 1982/3 session. It was a pleasant experience serving in that capacity.
TURNING POINTHis turning point was at graduation where he was one of the best two graduating students of the department, having come out with a second class upper division .For youths service he was posted to Maiduguri , Borno Sate ,but the University then had a policy of retaining her best graduating students in their various departments. Thus on the basis of the request from the university he was Re-deployed to Lagos and to the University of Lagos after the N.Y.S.C orientation exercise .This opportunity was a landmark and defined a lot of things for his future ambition. Professor Ndubuisi has always been interested in writing. During his Youths service days he wrote and published basically in all the known and reputable Nigerian tabloid :The Guardian ,The defunct Daily Times , National Concord, and The statesman Newspapers , The punch and others. Anytime he goes through these writes-up the level of reasoning therein then marvelled him . The editorial page Editor of the Guardian newspaper, Dr Jemie Onwuchekwa once acknowledge how profound he was in his write ups.
Towards the end of his service year it was obvious that his department wanted his services . He was thus encouraged to pursue a post graduate programme, in spite of the urge to veer into another area. He applied, interviewed and got a Senate bursary award for a masters degree programme. He was thereafter admitted for an M.Phil programme, which he registered for in 1984/85 session. The dissertation was successfully defended in 2007 with late professor Adeigbo then of the department of Philosophy , university of Ibadan as external examiner .He was within this period appointed a graduate assistant in the department. At the conclusion of M.Phil degree programme he had strong urge to move into the Newspaper industry, but the hand of fate made him to remain a freelance writer .He registered for a P.hD programme in 1988 October and by December 1990 he successfully defended his thesis .Within this period the university of Port-Harcourt offered him a lectureship job, which he rejected as it was obvious that his department wanted to engage him. In march 1991 he was given appointment as a lecturer two in the Department of Philosophy, of this University .Two years after he was given accelerated promotion to lecturer one . Professor Ndubuisi became Associate Professor in 2006 and a full professor of Philosphy specialising in Philosphy of science and Jurisprudence in 2008.
In addition to his degrees in Philosophy Professor Ndubuisi has degrees in Law:L.LB and L.LM,B.L. He was called to the Nigeria bar in 2003, that makes him an advocate of the supreme court of Nigeria. In July, 2013 he was sworn in as a Notary Public , by the Chief Judge of Lagos state on behalf of the chief Justice of the Supreme court of Nigeria.
ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES: Professor Ndubuisi since his career in the University of Lagos has been rigorously involved in academic activities . He has to his credit over fifty academic publications in books and journals , both locally and internationally. He has attended and presented papers in conferences both locally and internationally .He presented a paper at the university of Kenturchy , Frankfort under the Auspices of the Southern Interdisciplinary Roundtable on Africa,(SIRAS 2003), his paper was also presented at the same venue in 2004, and 2006. In 2007 he was in Nether lend under the Auspices of European conference on African studies , where he presented a paper on Human rights ,in 2009 h e was also in Leipzig, Germany under the Auspices of ECA again, in 2011 he was in Sweden under the same platform of ECA, in 2013 he was in, Lisbon Holland to present another paper. He was also in California under the auspices of the African studies conference.
He was invited in February 2011 by the Gani Fawenhinmi Students Chambers association of the faculty of law , Unilag to present a paper on ''Human capital development in Nigeria''. He was also invited by the Institute of Advanced level studies , University of Lagos, in 2013 where he presented a paper to customary court judges in Nigeria on ''Ethical Justification of customary law ''. The Rosicrucian order of Nigeria also invited him to present a paper on 'ethics and moral regeneration in Nigeria'' in 2013 at the Sheraton Hotel .In 2007 he was the guest speaker to the Rotary club , Amuwo ,DISTRICT 9110 NIGERIA, on world peace and order on the topic''Fidelity to Human Rights as Panacea to world peace''.He was at the Pan African University (Lagos business school) on invitation for her CRLE(Centre for Research in Leadership and Ethics) conference on Leadership and people management in Africa where he jointly presented a paper on ''Africa paradigm for corporate social Responsibility : A discourse in Business Ethics''on November 2013.He has presented papers in several other for a both within and outside the country.
Professor Ndubuisi has been a regular contributor to the press. He was a columnist with the Champion Newspapers for years , a regular contributor to the Punch Newspapers and the Guardian newspapers , defunct National concord press, among others. He was a visiting member of the Editorial board of the Mirror newspaper and has a column called'' Existential humanism'' every Thursday. He has close to 400 articles published in the newpapers and has in addition written about fifty editorial opinion for The Mirror newspaper.Professor is a member of Nigerian Philosophical Association, a member of the Nigerian Bar Association, a member of association of Millennium Lawyers, a member of Southern Inter disciplinary Forum on African studies, USA , he is a member of African –European Group for Interdisciplinary Studies, a member of the editorial Board ,Nigerian Journal of Philosophy. He has been external examiner to university of Calabar, University of Ibadan, Ekiti State University and currently external examiner to University of Ibadan.Professor Ndubuisi has served the university in various capacities. He has served in the university committee for the review of university calendar. He has also served in the committee for the lightning up of the University Campus, he has served in various investigating committees of the university, he has served as a member of the students hostel committee ,he has served as the acting Vice Chairman of the senate and ceremonies committee .He is currently a member of the legal advisory board of the university and Chairman of the University of Lagos 2015 debate.
Professor Ndubuisi has had some recognition both within and outside the campus environment .In 2001/2 session the national Association of philosophy students gave him an excellence award, in 2007/008, the same students gave him award as the most punctual lecturer to class, in 2010, he was also recognised by the students as the most dedicated lecturer, in 2011 he was given another recognition award by students . In 2007 Roatary club of Amuwo District 9110 Nigeria gave him a plague of recognition as the guest speaker during the Rotary club of Amuwo world understanding and peace day celebration; he was also honoured and recognised by the association of Millennium lawyers in January 2016. Professor Ndubuisi is a very amiable fellow that enjoy sports ,and intellectual dialogues.
Professor a family man to the core is married with children